The Willow Branch is the story of a Celtic people who have escaped the Roman occupation of Europe by Druid magic, and have come to live in a land occupied by an Elfish people. The Elvan belief in one true God is not in-line with that of the newcomers. I was lucky enough to read this book as a beta reader and enjoyed every minute of it. The trouble is, now I’m hooked and have to hang out for the next book to come out.
Lela lives in Alaska, anyone who lives in Alaska and writes about Celtic/Christian mythology has got to be an interesting person, so I thought I’d ask her some questions for my BLOG.
Lela, can you tell us about your book, The Willow Branch? The Celts have been in Daermad (what they call the land they live in) for about a thousand years and they've built up a lovely society on the ruins of the Kin (elven) civilization that had existed there before the Celdryans drove them into the mountains. Needless to say, there are some old animosities between these two races. |
Because this is a first in the series, I resisted the temptation to tie things up at the end and instead set up cliff-hangers that I hope will have readers as intrigued as you are.
- What was your inspiration for writing the book? Have you been writing for a while?
- I think you’ve captured the essence of a feudalistic Celtic society in your book. Where does the Celtic background come from? Did you have to do a lot of research for this?
- You have a strong Christian ethos amongst the Elven population of The Willow Branch, can you tell us a bit about this?
I tried to give equal footing to the Celtic religion because I was not seeking to write a strictly “Christian” novel.
- Living in Alaska must influence you as a writer. Do we see this in your book?
- What is life in Alaska like?
- Can you tell us anything about the rest of the books in the Daermad series? Are there any other books on the horizon?
- Finally, can you tell us a little about Lela Markham, the author and person?
Book Blurb
A healer must mend a fractured kingdom and bring two enemy races together before a greater enemy destroys them both.
Fate took Prince Maryn by surprise, leaving Celdrya to tear itself apart. A century later an army amasses against the warring remains of the kingdom as prophesy sends a half-elven healer on a journey to find the nameless True King. Padraig lacks the power to put the True King on the throne, yet compelled by forces greater than himself, Padraig contends with dark mages, Celtic goddesses, human factions and the ancient animosities of two peoples while seeking a myth. With all that distraction, a man might meet the True King and not recognize him.
The Willow Branch is available on Amazon both in ebook and paperback:
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